I'm excited to be included in this group show. It opens tonight in Telluride, Colorado.
As part of the group show, "Objective Painters," the gallery made these great mini-documentaries about each of the participating artists, including yours truly. So flattered to be sharing the limelight!
Objective Painting: Featuring 12 Artists, Curated by James Hayward, Opening Thursday Aug. 3, 5-8pm.
Hayward has carefully curated a wide variety of artists, primarily from the west coast, ranging from emerging young artists to mid career internationally recognized artists.
"I personally know, admire, respect and collect most of the painters I have included in this show. I chose the title, Objective Painting, as it seemed sufficiently open to include figurative, landscape, allegorical, portrait, nature, fantasy and the surreal. I have tried not to focus on any one aspect of image making,” says Hayward of his show curation.
View paintings from Tom Allen, Diane Best, Gregory Botts, Amy-Claire Huesits, Brian Fahlstrom, Frank Gaard, Steve Galloway, Ed Johnson, Julia Lackner, Rae Lewis, Max Maslansky and Dan McCleary at Telluride Gallery through the month of August or on our website.
Catalogs are available at TGFA or by request.
Please email us directly with any inquiries: info@telluridegallery.com
This video was made by The Telluride Gallery of Fine Art, for the exhibition "Objective Painting: Featuring 12 Artists" Curated by James Hayward, Opening Thursday Aug. 3, 5-8pm. http://www.telluridegallery.com/
The film maker is Stephen Leeds, of Umbrella Street Media, www.umbrellastreet.com